Where's the love for Rocky and Bullwinkle?


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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That's good about June. She did get to reprise her role as Magica DeSpell in that Ducktales game remake. Of course, everyone of the main cast that was still alive came back.


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Apr 5, 2009
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She also had to fight tooth and nail to voice Granny again in The Looney Tunes Show.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Yeah, that I didn't understand, but at the same time, I kind of did: I mean, there's already established voice actors to voice the various different Looney Tunes since the passing of Mel Blanc and others, but it seems like they obviously wanted "star power" on THE LOONEY TUNES SHOW" to get Kristen Wiig to voice the now awkwardly stupid and stupidly awkward Lola Bunny, and Fred Armisen to voice Speedy Gonzales.

Then again, it seems like it's become an unwritten rule now that animated shows or movies have to have SNL castmembers to do voices rather than actual voice actors anymore. Bill Hader's in both CLOUDY WITH A CHANCE OF MEATBALLS movies, Kristen Wiig's in DESPICABLE ME 2, Amy Poehler was in HORTON HEARS A WHO!, The Squeakquel and Chipwrecked, and I'm pretty sure Will Forte, Darel Hammond, Jason Sudekas, and others have done a lot of voice work recently too.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Yeah, that I didn't understand, but at the same time, I kind of did: I mean, there's already established voice actors to voice the various different Looney Tunes since the passing of Mel Blanc and others, but it seems like they obviously wanted "star power" on THE LOONEY TUNES SHOW" to get Kristen Wiig to voice the now awkwardly stupid and stupidly awkward Lola Bunny, and Fred Armisen to voice Speedy Gonzales.
As someone who wrongfully disliked the characterization of Lola in TLTS at first, I can safely say that Lola was a crap character to begin with. The flat, female Mary Sue character that execs forced into the film to get girls to watch... even though this was the era where they were trying to use the gender confusion of Tweety Bird (a male) to their advantage. TLTS essentially rescued the character and made her something other than Bugs painted pink to sell girl stuff. And remember, they've been trying for "girl Bugs that didn't actually appear in anything for the sake of pretending to be balanced" for years. Honey Bunny was in coloring books.

She also had to fight tooth and nail to voice Granny again in The Looney Tunes Show.
She had to fight tooth and nail to get into Sylvester and Tweety Mysteries as well. WB really has a thing against consistency in character voices when it comes to the Looney Tunes. Scooby-Doo has recently been far more rigid with official recasts. But LT? Anything goes.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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HUZZAH!!! IDW's March solicitations came in and it lists Rocky and Bullwinkle #1 (unfortunately, only a 4 part series) AND a special reprinting of Gold Key Rocky and Bullwinkle stories in a Trade paperback.

And the new series is going to be written by Mark Evainier with art from Roger Langridge. So you know it's in god hands.

Oh... and I highly recommend their Peabody and Sherman series. The art's a little weird, but it has a distinctly Jay Ward feel to it. If I am to believe what they say about this book being a semi-prequel to the movie and it having the same tone as the film will have, I'm REALLY looking forward to this film.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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But the paper stock they use is all the worth it. I HATE the greasy, see through newspaper crap they used to use in the 80's. It's like those were made to disintegrate into dust within a decade. And the red ink bleeds.

Still, I do wish they were still 3. At least Archie's Mega Man and Sonic the Hedgehog are still 3. Their paper is a little thinner, though.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2002
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Nice to see new Rocky and Bullwinkle material. I definitely love those cartoons. (I'm not the biggest fan in the world or anything, but I have seen the cartoons and the 2000 movie- which I think was great and hilarious, but I think I'm in the minority on that.) Anyway- yay for more Bullwinkle comics!:smile:


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Yeah. Pick up a comic from the 70's/early 80's sometime. Freaking red ink totally takes over the freaking books. Then again, when they made comics back then, they didn't think anyone would want to hang onto them.

But I'm totally pumped for these new Bullwinkle comics.

As for Peabody and Sherman, they tweaked the origin in the comics just a bit so Mr. Peabody adopts Sherman as a baby, rather than taking pity on him getting the crap beat out of him by Juvenile Delinquents. But essentially everything else is exactly the same.