And America Continues to Show it's True Colors. . .


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Mar 27, 2012
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3 Historic Concepts of the Trump Presidency:
  • Lying with Impunity (AKA Alternative Facts)
  • P***y Grabbing (AKA Sexual Assault)
  • White Nationalism (AKA Bigotry from the Good Ol' Boys Club)
(Runner Up: Russian Puppet)


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Because Barron is still currently in school, and they want to finish his current semester before they move in.
Not to mention even Donald himself only wants to live in the White House part-time anyway, and so far, he's proven that, going vacationing every weekend like being President is a part-time job anyway.

But anyway, getting back to the subject Dwayne brought up about Trump's insane and ruthless budget plan, I see that so far, both Sesame Workshop and the Fred Rogers Company have come forward to speak out against cutting funding for CPB and PBS; keep in mind, this is something that Mister Rogers himself did 47 years ago:

Muppet Master

Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2014
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Not to mention even Donald himself only wants to live in the White House part-time anyway, and so far, he's proven that, going vacationing every weekend like being President is a part-time job anyway.

But anyway, getting back to the subject Dwayne brought up about Trump's insane and ruthless budget plan, I see that so far, both Sesame Workshop and the Fred Rogers Company have come forward to speak out against cutting funding for CPB and PBS; keep in mind, this is something that Mister Rogers himself did 47 years ago:
Great Man, that Mr. Rogers was.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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Not to mention even Donald himself only wants to live in the White House part-time anyway, and so far, he's proven that, going vacationing every weekend like being President is a part-time job anyway.

But anyway, getting back to the subject Dwayne brought up about Trump's insane and ruthless budget plan, I see that so far, both Sesame Workshop and the Fred Rogers Company have come forward to speak out against cutting funding for CPB and PBS; keep in mind, this is something that Mister Rogers himself did 47 years ago:
Oh how I miss Mr. Rogers! I realize that kids today could not sit still long enogh to watch his show, but maybe older kids need to watch it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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It's been discussed here before - this is why we see less of Ernie and Bert (or, more specifically, Ernie and Bert inserts) on SST today, because research has turned up kids today find them boring because their inserts are more dialogue and punchline-based and don't have a lot of action going on. This is the same research that said parents don't watch with kids anymore, hence why they were (planning on) doing away with celebrities (because kids don't know who they are) and parodies and spoofs (because kids don't understand them).