Fraggle Rock Fan-Fiction: Perfect Harmony


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2005
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Bed, Ryan, that was mean!
:stick_out_tongue: I'm sure I was not alone in thinking there was an update when I saw your name and this thread at the top. Oh well, get plenty of sleep, so that you'll have plenty of energy to write and post!

More please!


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Chapter 9

Junior Gorg rummaged through Pa’s tool shed behind the Gorg’s castle. He tossed around gardening tools within the small space, humming to himself.

“Oh, d’is is gonna be gweat,” Junior said to himself happily. “I’m finally gonna have some Fwaggle fwiends to play with me!”

Junior grabbed a shovel off a rack in the shed and began to march around it, singing.

Ya get up in da morning,
Twy and have some fun,
And d’en your stupid daddy
Tells ya d’at your-

Dum de dum de dum
De Dum de dum de dum
De dum de dum

Ya twy and eat your bweakfast,
Blowing bubblegum,
And d’en your stupid mommy
Tells ya d’at your-

Dum de dum de dum
De Dum de dum de dum
De dum de dum

Ya wanna play with Fwaggles,
Playin’ all day long,
And d’en your daddy gives ya
A job that’s really-

Dum de dum de dum
De Dum de dum de dum
De dum de dum

I wish I had a Fwaggle,
That I could call my chum,
Then I could have a song to sing
That wasn’t only-

Dum de dum de dum de dum
Dum de dum de dum de dum
Dum de dum de dum de dum
Dum de dum de dum de dum de dum…

Junior jumped up and down excitedly. “Hm, now where are Pa’s boom-boom sticks?” Junior looked up and down at all the shelves in the shed. “Ooh! Heah they are!”

Junior grabbed up a wooden crate that made rattling sounds as he picked it up. “Now I just gotta blow open d’at big ol’ rock, and I can play with all the Fwaggles I want!”

>< >< >< >< ><

Architect Doozer slowly walked into the cavern with light poking through into Fraggle Rock. “Cotterpin… do you… do you know what this is?”

“No, sir, Architect,” Cotterpin said. “That’s why I brought you here.”

Architect nodded. “And it’s a good thing you did! This is astounding!” Architect declared, moving closer to the crack. “Where could this lead?”

“Well wherever it is,” Cotterpin said. “It sure is bright.”

“Quite… this seems to lead to an entirely new world!” Architect said. “Cotterpin Doozer, you may very well have made the biggest discovery since radishes!”

“Me?” Cotterpin asked quietly. “Really?”

“Unless you’d like to credit someone else with this discovery,” Architect said. “Otherwise… well, I’d like to—“

Suddenly a crashing sound came from outside the crack. The two Doozers fell to the floor from the force of the crash. “Oomph!” a voice said from outside. “Stupid boom-boom sticks! D’ey don’t even fit!”

“What c—“ Cotterpin started.

”Shh!” Architect shushed her instantly.

‘I guess I need to get daddy’s pick-axe and make da hole biggah…” the voice said, stomping away from the crack.

“Is it safe?” Cotterpin asked quietly.

“I think so,” Architect said helping Cotterpin stand up.

“What was that Architect?” Cotterpin asked.

“I don’t know Cotterpin,” Architect said. “I don’t know. Whatever it is, though, we can’t be a part of it.”

“What do you mean?” Cotterpin asked.

“We’ve got to build a new wall of Doozer sticks as reinforcement,” Architect said. “It may not do much, but it’s our only hope.”

“But sir—“

“No buts Cotterpin!” Architect said. “Whatever’s out there is no doubt a danger to us all; we have to protect ourselves from it.”

Architect and Cotterpin started to leave the cavern. “Come along now,” Architect said to her his young apprentice. “I’ll want you to be at my side during the construction.”

Cotterpin sighed. “The greatest discovery since radishes, and we have to board it up…” She muttered to herself.

“What’s that you say?” Architect asked.

“Nothing sir, I’m coming,” Cotterpin said.

>< >< >< >< ><

Uncle Matt walked out of the alley, spitting water out of his mouth. He was dripping from head to toe. Matt shook himself vigorously sending water everywhere. “Those Fraggles had better appreciate this…” The explorer grumbled.

Matt made his way down the sidewalk, a sidewalk he remembered first seeing when Outer Space was very new to him. “Ah, it will be so nice to relax at home once again.”

Matt turned a corner towards the old workshop where Doc and Sprocket used to live before they moved to Arizona.

“I do hope no other silly creatures have taken up residence here,” Uncle Matt said. “They can be terribly unfriendly…”

Uncle Matt stepped up onto the porch and poked his head through the doggy door and looked around. “Well it appears to be empty…” Matt said.

The Fraggle put the rest of his body through the doggy door, tripping, of course and landing on his chest, sending his helmet flying off his head to the other side of the workshop. “Oomph!” Matt grunted. “Confound these silly creature inventions…”

Matt jumped up and dusted his jacket off. “Dirtied up my jacket, hmph!” Uncle Matt grumbled.

Suddenly, the doorknob began to rattle. Matt jumped from the floor, squealing. “Silly creatures!” Matt whispered, diving behind the desk to hide.

The door opened slowly. A foot stepped inside the workshop, followed by two smaller, furry feet.

“This is nice,” said a voice. “What do you think, Cog?” The creature with the furry legs purred and rubbed up against the bigger legs. “I like it. This’ll do.”

The silly creature and his cat named Cog stepped fully into the room. Uncle Matt was lying on his stomach, looking through the crack where the desk was raised from the floor. He watched as the feet walked past his sight.

“What is this- this hole?” the silly creature asked.

Cog hissed at the hole.

“Who knows what could be hidden inside that hole,” said the silly creature. “Rats, or- or- ech, I hate to even think about it.”

Cog scratched at the wall around the hole.

“I’ll be sure to call an exterminator about this, I don’t want disgusting furry things running around my new at-home organization,” the silly creature said. “I’ll just have them eliminated.”

Uncle Matt gasped. The cat jumped and stared directly at the crack Matt was looking through.

“Calm down Cog,” the silly creature said. “I’ll have this taken care of soon. Come on then, let’s start moving our things inside.”

Uncle Matt waited until he heard the door close. Shuddering, he said, “I m-must go warn the Fraggles!” He jumped up, hitting his head on the bottom of the desk. “Why… did I take off my… helmet?” Uncle Matt asked before blacking out under the desk.


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2005
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Ah, now that's better!
:smirk: So many subplots going on at once... I can't wait to see how all this comes together!

More please!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Yay! Loved this. But you know what I find funny? The fact that there's a crack in the rocky exterior openings to Fraggle Rock at both the Gorg's garden and the old workshop. Is that a subtle shot at older Muppet puppets and how they have to be constantly repaired?
Digit: Ah yes... I can see the cracklines around Gonzo's mouth.
Gonzo: Would you get away from me!

Also liked the character of Cog... Can't wait to find out how this will continue. Soooo... Mooore please!


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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My my, lots going on in this chapter for sure! I also enjoyed the introduction of Cog and I'm worried about Uncle Matt and Junior Gorg and the entire rock, and it's almost too much to take! But, I can handle it so bring on some more!


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Chapter 10

Gobo had fallen to the ground so suddenly it was almost impossible for Red or Wembley to do anything to help him at this point.

The young Fraggle was, by now, under more than four times his own weight. It would have been futile for Red or Wembley to try and help Gobo.

Not that he really needed any help.

Sprocket had used this same tackle/lick combination on Gobo many times before.

"Gee, how do ya think he found us, Red?" Wembley asked.

Red shrugged. "Who knows? But whatever the case, he’s slowing us down."

Gobo pushed Sprocket’s licking face away from him, laughing. "Sprocket, what’re you doing here?"

Sprocket barked frantically, motioning in the direction of Doc’s apartment.

"Well, we tried to say goodbye," Gobo said. "But we couldn’t find Doc, so we just left. Ya see, we’re on an important expedition!"

Sprocket cocked his head confusedly.

"Yup, we’re searching for my lost Uncle Matt," Gobo said proudly.

"We should probably look for his lost marbles while we’re out here," Red said mockingly.

"I’m really tired of you making fun of my uncle, Red," Gobo said angrily.

"Well I’m not too keen on him being so dumb that he gets lost and we have to come out here and look for him!" Red countered.

"No made you come!" Gobo said. "And my Uncle Matt is not dumb!"

"Okay, he’s not dumb," Red said. "He’s about as smart as a Gorg, so what’s that make him?"
Wembley and Sprocket looked at each other. Wembley sighed. "They do this all the time," he said.

Sprocket whimpered sympathetically.

"Yeah, and you know the worst part?" Wembley asked. Sprocket shook his head. "I won’t have anyone to talk to whenever they start going at it like this."

Sprocket’s ears perked up and he started barking again.

Wembley gasped. "I know! Why don’t you go with us?"

Sprocket rolled his eyes then nodded.

"Whoopie!" Wembley shouted. "Hey guys! Guess what?"

Red and Gobo were still shouting their heated arguments back and forth at each other.

"Oh boy…" Wembley sighed. "I wonder whose side I should take."

Sprocket grumbled, picked Wembley up by his shirt collar, and started walking down the sidewalk, right past Red and Gobo.

Red and Gobo watched as Sprocket walked off with Wembley. They looked at each other, and silently decided it was best to follow.

>< >< >< >< ><

Boober and Mokey walked down the cavern leading to the Gorg’s garden. Boober was visibly shaking.

"Oh, Boober," Mokey chided. "Will you relax? We’re just going to see Madame Trash Heap to tell her that the others made it out alright."

"Well how do we know that Mokey?" Boober asked. "For all we know they could’ve made it halfway down the tunnel and been ambushed!"

"Oh, Boober, you’re so silly," Mokey said. "I’m sure they’re just fine. Now come on, Madame Heap will want to hear the good news!"

The two Fraggles cautiously made their way through the garden, heading towards the area where Marjory resided.

As the two Fraggles drew nearer, they heard conversation ensuing between two very prophetic voices.

"Hm, so you’re saying the young Fraggle didn’t even question his decision?"

"It was considered for questioning, but it never came to anything I’m afraid."

"Well, that is unfortunate."

"Indeed. If only we knew what this great tragedy that was to befall us was, then somehow we could’ve convinced those young Fraggles to stay."

"If they would’ve stayed the tragedy may have been avoided. But now, who knows what will happen? Certainly not me, let me tell you!"

There was a long pause.

"You’re sure they weren’t supposed to leave?"

"Have I evah been wrong before?"

"Wrong, no. Vague, definitely."

"Oh, as if you have any room to talk about being vague. ‘Listening is the first step, and the last step.’ That’s almost as transparent as a Doozer stick!"

There was another pause.

"What should I tell the Fraggles? They’ll want answers soon."

"Yes, yes, I know. Well… just remind them to keep their spirits up, and their voices raised high."

"That is one thing I’ll be glad to do to protect them from this awful happening."

"And Cantus?"

"Yes Marjory?"

"You can’t get to involved, remember d’at!"

"Mm, and you should keep that in mind too my dear. It is harder to be aware and stay away than it is to be away and stay aware."

"Very well put."

Mokey looked at Boober with wide eyes. "Boober we have to hide!" She whispered anxiously.
"Hide? But where?" Boober asked.

"Um…" Mokey scanned her surroundings. "Ah!" she shouted, pushing Boober into a bush and diving in after him."

The two Fraggles hid inside the bush as they heard footsteps coming near them.

Suddenly, the footsteps stopped.

The bushes leaves rustled and Cantus poked his head inside. "I suppose it’s time for me to explain a few things. Come. Come with me, there is a lot to hear, so you must be prepared to listen."

>< >< >< >< ><

Doc groggily got out of bed.

He groggily put on his slippers and tied on his robe.

He groggily started up his coffee machine.

He groggily opened his front door to grad the newspaper off the stoop.

He groggily flipped through the paper.

He groggily prepared himself a cup of coffee.

He groggily glanced over to Sprocket’s empty dog bed.

He groggily went back to reading the paper.

He suddenly woke up.

He quickly looked back at Sprocket’s empty dog bed.

Nothing about Doc was groggy from that moment on.


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2005
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Oh man, I've gotta stop doing that, reading single chapters as soon as they're written, because it seems that it ends just as I'm getting into it! The thing is, updates are so infrequent, and I'm so anxious to continue this story...
Anyway, this update was great, of course! I loved the conversation between Sprocket and Wembly, and Sprocket's solution to Wembly's problem of getting Gobo and Red's attention. Like everyone else I'm sure, I can't wait to hear what Cantus has to say.

So more please!


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Yay for the update!

Oh Gobo and Red, won't you ever learn?

Love Wembley and Sprocket together too, it's very cute.

Must read more!


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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<Ahem> <Dances around>

Foistuvall, dat was an AWESOME false alarm t'ing you had going at da beginning of da chapter with Gobo. NICE.

And Sprocket, in and of himself, is AWESOME, and quite nicely written. Love him picking up Wembley at the end of that scene!

Also, I VERY VERY much love the Cantus/Marjory conversation! And them criticizing each other for being vague. That is downright awesome. And, naturally, Mokey and Boober trying to hide, and Cantus knowing right where they were. You write him very well, by the way! (I know I've said it before, but you keep proving me right, and then I have to keep re-saying it...)


Can I glomp you now? ...I already did? ...Oh. Okay.

