New Members: Please Post and Introduce Yourself


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2011
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Hello, I'm Robodog and I've been a Henson fan ever since I can remember. I grew up in the 80s which was a great era for Henson stuff. I've seen all three original Muppet Movies in theatres though with the first one I kind of have to take my mom's word for it as I was only two at the time. I was also a huge Fraggle Rock and Labyrinth fan. I didn't see The Dark Crystal until I was in my late teens though. I sat up till 3 AM to catch it on ( I think ) The Disney Channel.
Aside from Muppets I also am obsessed with collecting toy dogs, particularly robotic pet type dogs like FurReal Friends or Poo-Chi. Sadly though I've collected toy dogs off and on since junior high I have never owned any Rowlf, Sprocket or Barkley merchandise. The chance to acquire such things just never surfaced for me. When I was four I saw an ad for the Fisher Price Muppet collection in one of my mom's magazines and became obsessed with owning the Rowlf puppet. My mom tried desperately to find it for me and even had my grandfather searching for it several states over but they never found it. Naturally, since I started collecting toy dogs this has become a Holy Grail of sorts for me. Sadly unless I get lucky at a yard sale it's probably a hole that will never be filled since I don't like messing with Ebay and probably couldn't afford one even if I did.

Gonzo's Hobbit

Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2009
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Welcome robodog. I hope you'll be able to find your Rowlf puppet. You should check the Merchandise area. Someone there might be able to help you find it or at least give you a lead of some kind.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2011
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Welcome in Robodog! I firmly believe wishes can be manifested sometimes...keep your nose on the prize!

Here's your muffin coupon. Ask The Count what flavors are currently available. :hungry:


Active Member
Sep 17, 2011
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I forgot to do this, sorry for being late!

I guess you'd call me a born again Muppet fan. I'm 25 years old (soon to be 26) and I was a HUGE Muppet fan when I was little. It was always on and I remember seeing some of the last specials before Jim's death.

However when I was little we went to DisneyWorld every other year and I went to see 'Here come the Muppets!" I sat in the front row. I wasn't afraid of the other walk-around characters (Some of whom picked me up even though that was a no no. I was apparently adorable, I don't know what happened) but something (I'm guessing Animal after he nearly comes down off of the stage when Floyd said something about him eating kids) scared the life out of me and I ran off screaming like a banshee...Also not something that was characteristic of me.

There may have been other contributing factors, I had high anxiety as a child, I had some other scary Muppet moments, and I don't even know if the stage show triggered it (since I was at home when the nightmares started) but I started having extremely violent (to a kid) nightmares involving Animal which led to a phobia of him, which slowly grew to the entire Muppet show cast, to the point where I couldn't watch Muppets anymore and led me to give up puppetry(though I think I hung in there for 10 years after that, despite more things adding to my phobia, like the wipeout video and him popping up at the end of Wow! You're a Cartoonist!, I thought I was over it once but the Pizza Hut Super Bowl commercial triggered it again and also made me miss the Patriots first Super Bowl win ARGH)

It wasn't until Fraggle Rock came on The Hub that I decided enough was enough. That was making me anxious and triggering my phobia and giving me panic attacks. I didn't get over my phobia in the best way, it involved copious amounts of alcohol, youtube videos, sobbing, nights filled with nightmares and throwing up all over myself due to intoxication for the first time in my life. After a few sessions of that (minus vomit) I started to get over it enough that I didn't have to be under the influence to not have a major panic attack by watching Muppets.... and here I am again a huge Muppet fan.

This post is way too long, I'm so sorry, I talk too much! I should have just said I'm 25, from Mass. love Gonzo and am a wembler.

Gonzo's Hobbit

Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2009
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Greetings fellow wembler. Glad that it sounds like yo're doing better now thouhg. Hope you have fun here and that we won't scare you away again.


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2011
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Hey y'all. My name is Christopher and I've always been a fan of the Muppets since I was a little kid- I remember watching reruns of "Muppet Babies" on Nickelodeon (I think) when I was like four or five. I was never what I would consider to be a huge fan though until last year, when I was unable to find a job during my winter break from school and consequently spent a lot of time at home. In my attempts to avoid driving myself up the wall from boredom, I happened upon "Fraggle Rock" reruns on the Hub and decided to watch one day because it was better than the alternative. I was pleasantly surprised, kept the show in the back of my mind during the spring at school, and then actually plunked down the money to get the boxed set over the summer on a lark, hoping the show would be as good as I thought it would be.

The show was everything I thought it would be and twenty times that. I devoured the whole show over the summer, and became an instant die-hard fan. Since then I've been snapping up everything Fraggle-related I can get my hands on, from the comic books (great!) to the animated series (awful!) to the t-shirt they sold at Target over the summer (fits well!). I've also begun (re)acquainting myself with other Muppet kinds of stuff- can't wait for the movie this fall.

I'll keep the other information short- don't want to ramble too much- but I'm a senior in college, studying english and communications, with the desire to eventually get my master's in communications. I enjoy writing, watching sports, listening to music and generally bumming around in my spare time and can generally be found somewhere in the "beautiful" state of Connecticut. Hope to have a good time talking with you all on these forums!


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2011
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Welcome charlietheowl and BornToWemble (that was a Springsteen tune, right?)!

Only phobias allowed here are mushablandaphobia (fear of oatmeal) and yipyipyipyipyipuhuhphobia...fear of indeterminately-tentacled Martians unwittingly misidentifying your personal belongings. Enjoy! Ask The Count about your free first muffin. :news:



New Member
Oct 6, 2011
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Hi Everyone!
I'm so excited to find a place where people appreciate muppets as much as me, without all the weird looks or comments. I've loved muppets since I was just a little kid, and my appreciation for them and their creator has grown. There's just something magical about muppets and the personalities that come with them. I just recently purchased my own Muppet Whatnot from FAO Schwartz, and I just love him to pieces. I look forward to perusing this site more often!

Gonzo's Hobbit

Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2009
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Welcome Arielle! Hope you have fu here. You should post something with you and your whatnot in the Puppeteers section.