Respectful Politics Thread (Let's Just See)


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Fox News is so racist, they don't even give a crap that they flunk Geography on the air:

Small wonder these Canadian countries and German countries want nothing to do with us anymore.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Fox News is so racist, they don't even give a crap that they flunk Geography on the air:

Small wonder these Canadian countries and German countries want nothing to do with us anymore.
Yes... it's racism.... not a typo at all. It's not as if the reporters talked about the story accurately and said 3 South American countries... oh wait they did. Well it's not like they apologized as soon as they realized it happened.... oh wait... they did... and even CNN reported as such...

There was a time on these boards many years ago when I would reply in disagreement to posts made by The Count and because of my well documented issues with making typos, I would call him Ocunt. Some thought I was being a disrespectful jerk, but never said anything until one day someone pointed it out to me and i went back and read some of my past posts and was mortified and apologized. There was a time when people understood that mistakes get made. I suppose you never make mistakes.

Why is is that you come in, make a claim, someone rebuts your claim, you never address the rebuttal, then you swoop in again with something else?

I can't believe I am actually defending FOX News from an unfair attack. Of all the things to attack them on, this is not one of them! However, it is one of the few things that fits in a meme format which is all anyone cares about. Considering you got this off of Facebook, it seems that is all you care about too.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
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So I’m gonna be honest.

I’m going back to republican. I could use some guns for my house and get rid of all the illegal immigrants in this country.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Third time this year having to get groceries from a food pantry, and I'm already a month behind on my insurance payments, because of this ****** Trump economy.

But please, by all means, keep reminding me how the economy is the strongest its ever been and how everybody is enjoying the benefits of Trump's great tax breaks. Go ahead.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Third time this year having to get groceries from a food pantry, and I'm already a month behind on my insurance payments, because of this ****** Trump economy.

But please, by all means, keep reminding me how the economy is the strongest its ever been and how everybody is enjoying the benefits of Trump's great tax breaks. Go ahead.
It was cold yesterday during spring time, but please keep telling me about global warming. This statement is totally unfounded, as is yours.

Just because you personally experience something does not mean it is the norm. Yes, it is terrible that you are experiencing poverty, but that does not mean that the entire economy is terrible.

You are blaming Trump for the economy because you need someone to blame. Truth is, Obama started the economic up turn and Trump continued it. The economy is following the same trend it has been for a few years now. There are industries that exist now that never did before. The share economy didn't exist 10 years ago. Maybe what you personally do for a living has not been positively affected, but that does not mean there is no positive economic effects happening. I am sure that when the automobile became popular horse drawn carriage manufacturers experienced some terrible times. That does not mean that the automobile was a terrible invention.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2004
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Part of the solution for rising out of poverty is being flexible enough to switch jobs or expand your skill set. That way if the bottom falls out you have something to fall back on.
Part of the flexibility involves being able to move out of your corner of the world. There may be unthought of opportunities with your puppetry skills. But it would probably entail moving to New York or L.A.
Also your ability to hustle. You can't sit around the house all day and wait for your dream job to fall in your lap. You have to compete like you can't believe.
But to just blame others for your misfortunes won't get you far.
There are 700,000 unfilled jobs
In the country right now. There should be an opening in at least ONE.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2004
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Yes, being poor sucks. But being able to make a change enhances your chances of succeeding. Being able to make excuses does not.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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That's pretty much no different than telling people who are already working three or more jobs at the same time, and still barely making it, "if you'd quit being lazy and worked harder, things would improve for you." When the circumstances are out of your control, and you're not to blame for the misfortunate, you shouldn't be held be accountable. It was clear from the get-go that Trump's budget and tax plans were designed to benefit the wealthy, and so far, those are the ones who have been benefitting from the economy, and are the ones singing praises: I've had conversations with white collar workers who brag about how hard they work, but how Trump's tax cuts have been a great big help for them . . . yeah, because again, they're white collar. Blue collar? Middle class? Working class? Not so much.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2004
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But learning a trade helps boost your chances for success. If you're a plumber, electrician, carpenter, contractor, your services will always be in demand, and it's not uncommon to earn a six figure salary.
The hours are long, but it pays a lot better than flipping burgers at Mickey D's.