Respectful Politics Thread (Let's Just See)


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Feb 14, 2007
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Which is why I refuse to work for any news Network. Unless it's BBC.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
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It's sad though how we've had shootings because of first world problems.

The 22 year old guy who was whining about his virginity in 2014.

Some guy last year with his huge love for Ember McLain from Danny Phantom.

And if I'm gonna be honest, I still believe we're gonna have a future shooting because some idiotic Sesame Street fan didn't get the clips or episodes he wanted.

Two members on here have already possibly hinted that....


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Aug 8, 2003
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What is your end goal? You utterly despise a large portion of this country so much.
There is no goal here. And what's not to despise about the **** that's been going on in this country ever since Trump announced he was running for Office?
Is the ultimate goal to get them to leave?
No, that's what they want everyone else to do, hence why they keep spouting out, "Get out of my country!" And, "Go back to where you came from!"
Keep them quiet?
Again, that's what they want to everyone else to do, hence why they make freedom of speech a double-standard: if they whine and cry about petty things like black people, gay people, coffee cups, holiday greetings, Obama, whatever, it's "freedom of speech." If anyone else whines or cries about serious issues like racism, sexism, homophobia, gun violence, healthcare, jobs, human rights, Trump, whatever, it's always, "Shut the **** up you buncha liberal snowflakes, run to your little safe places with your liberal tears!"
You’re certainly not going to change their minds with your attitude.
Now I have an attitude? Could I say the same about you? Or Jamie? Or MuppetsRule? Or LittleJerry? Or anyone else who voices their opinions here? Because I didn't know voicing opinions equates to having an attitude problem.
Continue to blame the other “side” over and over?
Again, I don't "blame the other side" like the right does, I call them out on their crap. Big difference. I pointed it out to you multiple times before, but you dismiss as "false equivilence" and such. Maybe it looks that way to you from an Independent standpoint, but much of what the right says about, blames on, or accuses the left of saying, doing, or being is simply not true, and in fact, it's all the crap they do, but just shift the blame to the left to relieve themselves of their own responsibility - it's one of the few areas at which they excel.
All the whole wondering why the country continues to drown?
I know why the country continues to drown, there's no wonder at all. All these Trumptards crawling out of the woodwork, ramping up the racism, sexism, xenophobia, homophobia, and backward-thinking mentalities, and trying to regress the entire country back into periods of history we've long grown out of and left behind, after what little progress was accomplished in eight years to steer the country beyond that. That's why the country continues to drown. It'd be like if modern-day Germany suddenly decided, "Hey, wasn't the Holocaust a blast? Killin' all them filthy Jews? That sure was fun! Let's have another one!"


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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Now I have an attitude? Could I say the same about you? Or Jamie? Or MuppetsRule? Or LittleJerry? Or anyone else who voices their opinions here? Because I didn't know voicing opinions equates to having an attitude problem.
Eh, dude, yes, we ALL have attitude problems, lol. I wasn't saying otherwise. And you know I've taken others to task here many times.

I pointed it out to you multiple times before, but you dismiss as "false equivilence" and such.
Ehh, dismissing something as false equivalence is more Jamie and Censored's thing, usually aimed at me, lol. That's where that $10 fine joke came from.

Again, I don't "blame the other side" like the right does
Dude, you seem to utterly despise the other side and paint them with the worst brush imaginable. I can't see peace ever happening with your world view. I said much the same to Censored, and he basically acknowledged he'd rather be in perpetual conflict.

I know why the country continues to drown, there's no wonder at all. All these Trumptards
Then I repeat my original question: What exactly do you want to happen? The country isn't likely to magically become 100% Democrat, pretty much ever. And it can't go on with the constant division. Feeling outraged is fun and all but we can't build a future on that.

And it's really time to realize that Trump wasn't solely created by "the right." Even the New York Times said as much this morning. Speaking of, I would seriously recommend reading NYT or an equivalent publication if these issues are so important to you. They are far more complex and long standing than you break them down to be.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2012
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Well, Roseanne tweeted today equating Valarie Jarrett, an African American cabinet member of the Obama administration, to an ape and mislabeled her as a Muslim due to her history of tolerance. That, ladies and gentlemen, is a bigot. Now, man Trump supporters and those who sympathize with/tolerate white nationalists are now crying foul of ABC showing some backbone and canceling the program. It's sad that it went that far, but Disney cannot be associated with such cheap bigotry and dog whistle racism. The irony is that Kapernick, who was instructed how to honorably protest while respecting the flag, has been blackballed. Employees are representatives of their employers in this day and age. Both organizations are within their rights to fire these people. One, however, is far more honorable. Ultimately, I don't really think Roseanne's outbursts are about racism, Trump, or any real view. It appears to be self destructive behavior. And all of the while, a new Trump policy is separating toddlers, babies and children of all ages from their parents. These kids are sent to overcrowded detainment centers for indeterminate periods of time. And all the while, Trump blames this on democrats and LIES that this is somehow a law or some progressive directive. This is HIS new policy. This is the injustice we should be screaming about. We need to reinforce our borders for the protection of Mexicans too. Both parties need to sit down and hammer out legislation, but Trump will not allow compromise. Congress was close. Very close, last year. He's the one who killed it because his base didn't like the optics. This was one of the rare moments where bipartisanship was happening and our intentionally divisive president put a stop to it. That's all because the legislation didn't support his 20th century solution to a 21st century problem. Trump wants a physical wall because he's an idiot and a narcissist. We need a 21st century border - one that relies on technology, drones, and officers to oversee all of it. A wall just burns money that we could use for so many other things. So, kids are being ripped away from parents due to a Trump directive he's lying about in order to get the kind of Trump Monument wall instead of one that poses a real solution. This is what you get when you elect a cheap and tacky reality game show host as president.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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ABC showing some backbone and canceling the program.
Roseanne is an idiot but that was no backbone they showed, lol. On the contrary, properly the easiest and safest firing anyone at the network ever had to do.

Anyway, it's a shame because I do think the show had a place for Americans that felt they didn't have a voice. But just like Trump, they picked the worst representative imaginable. They need to understand that the opposite of political correctness is not freedom to be a jerk. :stick_out_tongue:
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Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2012
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Roseanne is an idiot but that was no backbone they showed, lol. On the contrary, properly the easiest and safest firing anyone at the network ever had to do.

Anyway, it's a shame because I do think the show had a place for Americans that felt they didn't have a voice. But just like Trump, they picked the worst representative imaginable. They need to understand that the opposite of political correctness is not freedom to be a jerk. :stick_out_tongue:
Her program got higher ratings than the playoffs. it wasn't easy. So, yes. it was backbone. Ultimately, however, her antics would have continued and they likely would have lost too many sponsorships. That's what did in Bill-O. Ratings mean nothing is you can't make money. Also, I absolutely don't think it's a shame that the show was canceled. I've grown to understand the angst of those Roseanne was trying to represent, but that line has gotten far too blurred. As you've said, there's a difference between being a racist jerk and not being politically correct. And those crying about her freedom of speech don't understand that a weekly sitcom is promised to no one.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2004
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Roseanne apologized for her tweet, but too little too late.
She may have gotten away with it if she was talking to someone at a noisy party, where there could be some margin of misinterpretation. But once you shoot something on social media, all bets are off.

Say it, forget it.
Write it, regret it.