

Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2002
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BJC899 said:
What a cool thread!

I have been in:
"Holiday for toys"
"You're a good man Charlie Brown"
"Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat"
"Just when you thought it was safe to turn on your TV "(What a pain it was whenever someone asked what the name of the show was)
"The Crucible"
Also I did this documentry for this town near me. It's cool they had a screaning for the video at the end and stuff.

I was in the Israelie day parade a LONG day ago, but I didn't have to audtion or anything so it isn't listed on my resume.

Right now I am in Les Miserables. 6 months of reseral to go!

Now lets not go into what play's I have had to drop out of. Directors are still mad at me. :-\


Six months???? Wow! My alma mater did "Les Mis" last year. I'd seen the movie before but never the play. Fantastic. It made me cry, and that basically NEVER happens when I watch a play. And "Joseph" again -- yay!!!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2002
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A friend and I provided the video services for a production of "Return to the Forbidden Planet" a few years ago. Live and prerecorded video effects, a video link between the onstage cast and an off-stage actor, prerecorded video inserts... Great fun!


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2003
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In highschool I almost played margareta in a play based on "Faust", but since the others didn't want to study there lines, it got cancelled.

My part was the biggest part that wasn't divided between several actors.

It was really too bad it got cancelled, I was really starting to get the hang of the whole crazy thing...

And in elementary school I was in a play every year

Let's see...

the first year I was a gnome and I had to run from the seven footed giant en crawl into this really tiny cardboard house with another gnome. Well, the seven footed giant stept on me and the other gnome wet himself, when we we're in the house.

The year after that we got to make our own parts and I was a fortuneteller. My cousin was the giggling princess, because she giggled constantly, but ofcourse during the play it sounded really really fake...

Hmmm let's see the next couple of years a kind of a blur...
I played a grandmother, that was fun. I got to sing and scold a guy who was older than me, because he was supposed to be my son. In the same play, I had to other minor parts. Uhmm a burglar and uhmm... I think a circus director, again with a song, but that could have been the year after that.

In my final year I played a crazy professor, which was teh lead. But since we got picked on age and not talent, that wasn't really a big deal.

Then I went to highschool and for some stupid reason (probably finance) they stopped the anually schoolmusicals!

so that's my cirriculum vitea

When I start rambling again, please stop me or back away slowly.

I always loved acting, but I never got to do anything. There wasn't a dramaclub within maybe 50 miles from where I lived.

And now I'm saving up for a camera, so I can't join one either. :stick_out_tongue:


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2003
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I've never been in anything, but I have been sound engineer and assistant set builder on several productions:

Doctor Dolittle
Arsenic And Old Lace
Ten Little Indians
An Ideal Husband


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2002
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Oh boy..... You ready for the list....?

(Digs through computer for the old acting resume)

'02 Shakuntala - (in this I had an acting role and I played two puppet characters, a spirit and a lion cub)
'01 Hard Times - (I cannot remember her name, but Bounderby's mother)
'01 Sister Mary Ignatius Explains it All for You - Diana
'00 Shakespeare's As You Like It - Rosalind (I got to wear a mustache!)
‘00 Someone Once Said- One of three in this this original written/directed theatre/dance piece
‘99 Tea in a China Cup- Portrayed Grandmother
‘99 Merrily We Roll Along- Portrayed Bunker
‘99 Drums in the Night- Portrayed Various Parts
‘98 Home Free- Portrayed Joanna (Bucknell’s Cocktail Series)
‘98 Nunsense- Portrayed Reverend Mother Sr. Mary Regina
‘97 Pride and Prejudice- Portrayed Mrs. Bennet
‘97 Carousel- Portrayed Julie Jordon
‘96 The Madwoman of Challiot - Portrayed Lady Constance
‘96 Cinderella- Portrayed Cinderella
‘95 The Diary of Anne Frank- Portrayed Meip
‘95 Meet Me in St. Louis- Featured Chorus and Understudy for Ester

AND I have directed the following:
A Lift (independent film) Casting Director and Assistant Director (March '03)
The Love of Three Oranges (self-written play, to buy it see the link in my profile), Director (Feb ‘02)
Joined at the Head (play by Catherine Butterfield) Director (Feb ‘01)
The Chinese Restaurant Syndrome (play by Corinne Jacker), Director (Nov ‘00)
The Game of Love and Chance (play by Marivaux), Assistant Director (Feb ‘01)

Believe it or not, I am probably forgetting stuff....I couldn't find the old acting resume....

I miss the theatre....Now i spend my time in a cubicle.....*sigh*


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2002
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Muppetfreak said:
Oh boy..... You ready for the list....?
Wow! You've been in quite a lot! And Cinderella and Julie Jordan... quite impressive! I would love to be in either of those shows. Over the summer a friend of mine played Julie at a local playhouse, but it was only for one weekend - the weekend of my grandparents' 50th anniversary party seven hours out of town. I was really bummed that I missed it. :frown:


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2002
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The Irony of it was, I asked them not to cast me as Julie Jordon.....

I reallly really wanted to play Carrie...


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2003
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Very Nice List!

This place where I did 3 of the shows on my list called me last year to play the prince in Cinderella. I didn't take the part. This summer I hope to be in a show, and I might audition for Guys and Dolls at my high school. It depends...

I have always wanted to be Jack in Into the Woods (don't ask), maybe someday I will get that part...

Oh yea, Joseph was really fun. It's a colorful show. One song he's about to die, next it's a jamican type music-Very fun show.

I had to drop out of a show once-well things got complicated at home-but I almost put the director in the hospital. I kicked over the school flag by accident and the pole almost crashed on his head. :hide: it fell RIGHT next to him.

Ok, I don't have really anyother stories. Does anyone know the story of the crucible? if you do say so, something really funny happened during reseral once, but you have to know the story to understand.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2002
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BJC899 said:
Does anyone know the story of the crucible? if you do say so, something really funny happened during reseral once, but you have to know the story to understand.
*raises hand* I do! I do!


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2003
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Don'tLiveonMoon said:
*raises hand* I do! I do!

Well it was about a week before we opened. It was such a stresfull time for us. In the script during the courtoom scene, the girls start screaming because they see a yellow bird. All of a sudden from the celling a yellow glove is lowered. I guess it was a had-to-be-there thing, because we didn't stop laughing for so long. It was so funny. On show night I tripped over one of the platfoarms on the stage. I was headed for my face, but someone caught me and just "talked" onstage to make it look like it was supposed to happen. :hide:

Ok, now I don't have anymore stories.
