Toga's Total Teasers and Tale Title Tally


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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It was such a fitting tribute and you guys did a great job with it. I still think of it and smile.

Speaking of collaborations, whatever happened to that story you and Prawnie (and wasn't Nyssa involved too) were writing?

I suppose you'll get to that in this narrative eventually, I should just be patient. But we know I'm not patient.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Oh, I'm SO glad you're not a patient, Beth. Being a patient usually implies some kind of ailment, and a doctor, and various bills, and unfortunate things like that.

...Unless, of course, you were a patient of Vet's Hospital, the ailment was... I have no clue what... the doctor was Dr. Bob, the bill was Bill Baretta, the unfortunate things were terrible puns...

...That's not at all what you meant, is it? ...Is there another meaning for the word "patient"? ...:coy:...


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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redBoobergurl said:
Speaking of collaborations, whatever happened to that story you and Prawnie (and wasn't Nyssa involved too) were writing?
*buries head* Umm... what story? I haven't the faintest idea what you're talking about... I've never written a story with Lisa AND Nyssa... :shifty: Lisa, maybe... but both? Nah... :zany:

And yes, Jerry... we miss you. I must agree with you about the feeling of the three of us trying to replace him, Lisa. It did feel strange. But I love that story very much and I'm very touched that you and Beau let me be a part of it. *HUGS* More please!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Voice of doom... The one where the Muppets signed-on to MC... Don't you remember Seafood Special? You and Pickle and Bobble?
Now get back to whatever it is you were doing, you weirdo.


*Hugs Lisa and pats Hidden Juhl.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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I remember that...

...when Jerry Juhl died, and MC carried on going.

It was heart-breaking and heartening at the same time. That he could be gone, and they could go on meant that he lived on in them...but at the same time, it was really heart-wrenching to write that story. Oh my.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Why I Haven't Posted Anything in Ages: Voice In Mind

Let's rewind a moment here.

Let's go back to TogetherAgain's earlier days on Muppet Central Forum. Granted, when she was writing her fourth story, she still felt like quite little newbie... but I mean before that point, when she really was a newbie, just hoping to fit in. (She was not particularly accustomed to fitting in. See earlier discussion of being smart.)

The key to fitting in at Muppet Central, as far as TogetherAgain could tell, was to be funny, crazy, a walking-talking (or sitting-typing) encyclopedia of Muppet knowledge, or a combination thereof... preferably a combination thereof. Well... TogetherAgain was no walking-talking (or sitting-typing) encyclopedia of Muppet knowledge, considering that- shameful though it may have been- her exposure to the Muppets consisted almost exclusively of having Muppet Treasure Island memorized. She was... at least a little crazy... But funny?

She could, occasionally, think of something kind of funny to do... if only someone could interact with her just so... But that wasn't about to happen, now was it?

And then, of course, there were times when she was absolutely certain that someone would point out the flaws in whatever it was she was saying. (Did I mention yet that TogetherAgain is the youngest child in a fairly argumentative family? And the youngest cousin in an extremely argumentative extended family? She was very much accustomed to being proven wrong and put in her place for jumping in where she didn't know what she was doing.) If only there was a way to beat... whomever... to the punch...

So TogetherAgain started putting a secondary voice into her posts. She called it, "voice inside my head." Not very original, perhaps... but it worked. There in italics, "voice inside my head" criticized a great deal of what TogetherAgain had to say, hopefully providing some amount of comedy and, at least in theory, helping her at least feel like she fit in.

Somewhere down the line, TogetherAgain realized that she didn't need "voice inside my head" to fit in, because she fit in just being herself. (That was quite a novel idea to her.) Somewhere down the line, someone- reportedly Beauregard, but sources are unclear on the matter- suggested a much-needed abbreviated name for "voice inside my head." The abbreviation was V.I.M. for "Voice In Mind." Somewhere down the line, TogetherAgain got lazy and stopped capitalizing the I and the M. Somewhere down the line, TogetherAgain began to attribute her seemingly uncontrollable story ideas to Vim.

This is all getting ahead of where we are in the narrative, but I'm telling you now so that I can clarify: Retrospectively, what happened next is Vim's fault, not TogetherAgain's.

Before she finished that fourth story, Vim started making suggestions about what TogetherAgain's next story could be... and they all had to do with Kermit the Frog and Miss Piggy.

Maybe, in the next story, Kermit and Miss Piggy got into a fight and Miss Piggy left and eventually came back for help... or maybe, instead, Kermit ran into her by accident, and...

Oh, and maybe in the story after that, there was some mob-like organization that did this and that and then Miss Piggy...

Ooh, and maybe in the story after that one, Miss Piggy was being all distant and Kermit was annoyed and then this would happen and...

Or, maybe the next story would start in the past and this stuff would be really complicated and explain why things are the way they are now and...

It was getting to be way too much. First of all, a lot of these stories sounded an awful lot alike. Surely, her readers would get tired of reading the same basic story again and again, wouldn't they? No point in suffering them to that. She would have to pick one of these stories.

...Oh. ...That was hard. ...They all had such great potential scenes! There were exact lines that were echoing through her head already that she just couldn't wait to write... How could she choose?

In the meantime, TogetherAgain liked the student teacher who had temporarily taken over her English class, and she wanted to give the student teacher a very specific cameo in one of those stories, which she started writing in another notebook, hoping to finish it before the student teacher left. That ended up not happening, which was fine, because TogetherAgain stopped liking said student teacher so much.

Anyway, faced with so many story options from Vim, TogetherAgain made a fateful decision one day.

She would combine the stories.

It would be, like... a trilogy, or something. That one story could be part one, those two could be part two, and that one could be part three. Piece of cake. Lovely compromise. And it would be fun!

But before she could start on that "little trilogy," something else, something life-altering, would present itself.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Oh... Is this when we get to one of your grandparents? Or the summer trip to Israel?
*Awaits next installment eagerly.

*Hugs Lisa.


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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I'm sure this something life-altering would just be her adding of MSN Messenger and her constant talking to me...

:stick_out_tongue: Kidding of course, maybe, who knows. Haha, loving this, as always Lisa! It's great to hear the origin of, what I assume to be, Flippersteps! And that cheeky little Vim... always on the prowl. MORE PLEASE!


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Don't have much to say other than I'm eagerly awaiting your next installment!


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Why I Haven't Posted Anything in Ages: "An Idea..."

TogetherAgain was not much for private messaging. She was not very good at responding to private messages, or at deleting old private messages to make room for new ones... This is not to say that she doesn't read her private messages. She does. And it's a good thing, too, because if she didn't... well... things would be different.

It all started in November of 2005, when she got a private message from theprawncracker. The subject read, simply, "An Idea..." Intrigued, TogetherAgain opened it and carefully read.

In this private message, theprawncracker pointed out that he and TogetherAgain more or less ruled the fan fiction section of Muppet Central. His idea, then, was that they could write a Muppet fan fiction... together. He suggested, in fact that the combination of their efforts "could be potent!"

TogetherAgain very seriously considered this for a while before she replied. "Potent? It could be downright lethal!" In other words... she was all in.

Through the private messages that followed- yes, TogetherAgain kept up with her private messages for once- they established that they would start this new, collaborative story after they finished the stories they were working on individually at that time. In the meantime, what would the new story be about? ...Besides the Muppets, of course. ...Well... TogetherAgain was starting to feel claustrophobic with the usual Muppet settings, so... could they get away from the Muppet Theater and the Muppet Boarding House? As far away as possible, please... Maybe... time travel? Oh, but why leave it at plain ol' time travel, theprawncracker pointed out, when they could make the Muppets change time periods infinite times over? Fascinating! Now what on earth would they call this story? Well, how about... "The Time the Muppets Beat Time."

And so it began...

A few days later, of course, TogetherAgain's private message inbox was once again flooded, this time with messages from theprawncracker... and Beauregard. They were apparently on a mission to persuade her to get MSN Instant Messenger.

...It worked.

Little did TogetherAgain know, at that time, just how much these two things would change her life... indefinitely.