Toga's Total Teasers and Tale Title Tally


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Oh no, not that, ANYTHING but that!
Zany: *runs in carrying a cue card that says "PUKE" and holds it up to Prawnie*
Whose side are you on, anyway? !


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2006
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Oh a spoonful of Ipecac helps the beloved mentor come up!


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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...This... is a rather boring stomach, if I may say so myself. Not that I have much experience in the matter, but I'm told that DanDan's tummy had a whole shipful of rather intoxicated individuals...


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Oh a spoonful of Ipecac helps the beloved mentor come up!
Ugh, that must be from that horrid movie Larry Poppins... I always said Julie Andrews' film career was never the same after that.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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No... We at Vet's Hospitl have a better solution!
*Preps Prawnie for surgery.

Janice: Like Dr. Bob, are you ready to operate?
Dr. Bob: Of course I am... Now where's my glasses?
Janice: What glasses?
Dr. Bob: My opera glasses!
Gorgon Heap: Ate them... You said they were operate-ing glasses. They were delicious.
*Trap door opens underneath Gorgon.

Janice: Shall I prep the patient?
Dr. Bob: Is he patient?
Janice: Like he must've run ou... That's the only reason he'd've cme here.

*Clow mallet conks Prawn unconscious.
*Precisely positioned lasers drill five little holes in his belly, allowing the medical team to pop the top open and let Lisa out.

Dr. Bob: So... Stone soup?
Janice: Like no way man, I'm a vegtarian.
Lisa: Herdy-flirty-schnip-schnip?
*Runs away to post... Or she'll get it with our nagging sticks and penguin cannons.

Dr. Bob: Another satisfied patient.
Was that the first one we've ever had?

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Dr. Bob: What HMO? Gonzo told me you weren't insured. That's the only way we could tune you up. Has anybody seen my friend the fish? He's my piano tuna. Thanks pal, I'll pay ya next Tuesday. He gets paid by the scale.

Now then... Why haven't you gotten to posting stories? Honestly, you're just as bad as that Claudia Monster. At least her we can get to update with the threat of a cookie or killing her Bunnie or Beaker.

*Enters from the shadows... With Uncle D at my side.
Do we have to coax it outta ya? *Brandishing question mark cane.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Why I Haven't Posted Anything in Ages: Yuppen, ree.

Yah, shmur de Togatogatogatogather garben de nooty boorken reeben de oopsie-daisy! Un de loon de loon de Bree-tannity loon de smashendy ouchy, ya. Aber de Togatogatogatogather liken de ouchy-smashy de loon de loon, un de nooty boorken yabber de nopsie. Ya... da de bushtle loon.

(Sorry, but Ed totally asked for that. :hungry: )

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*:hungry:, armed with blunderbus... Yah der shmir! Da goobla-gobbla unt der huppee-huppee no posta story!
*Fires guns to get Lisa and Prawn back in normal English... Mooffen der shmuggla busha drup-drupp!
*Fires off another shot.

:concern: :eek:
Bunsen: Save yourself Beakie! The good chef has gone mad!
*Shoves his head back down into his shirt.

Mr. Prawn, please get your dearest other half under control!
*All run from Chef.

Cumin back unt schnipity schnip flirty herty! Der vhat de hay! Lisa in der baskee!
*Keeps firing until Statler and Waldorf wave their little white flag from the balcony.
Don't make him any madder... Post girl, post intelligibly, post story!


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Why I Haven't Posted Anything in Ages: Half and Half

So it was settled that theprawncracker and TogetherAgain would be writing "The Time the Muppets Beat Time." Fantastic! All they had to do was finish the stories they were working on at the time.

Well, at that time, theprawncracker had two projects going. First, he was doing commentary on his story, "We Know That It's Probably Magic." Second, he was writing "Muppet High Revisited," a re-write of his first Muppet fan fiction, "Muppet High." (He was mostly changing it out of script format.) TogetherAgain only had one project going: "Swamp Call." So, who finished first, and who took a while and held up the writing of "The Time the Muppets Beat Time"? Well... Allow me to remind you that "Swamp Call" was, at that point, TogetherAgain's longest story, both in actual length and in how long it took to write. Therefore, theprawncracker was done first. And TogetherAgain... took a while.

Well, theprawncracker got impatient and started writing another story. And then TogetherAgain finished "Swamp Call," but theprawncracker was still working on his new story, so she got to sit around and let her stories brew... which means that Vim was having a field day with that potential trilogy I mentioned earlier. And then it was Winter Break and TogetherAgain left town for another one of those crazy conventions hosted by her youth group. She had a lovely time, but then the plane home was delayed, leaving her to sit in the airport and pretend to be social with some of her crazy friends. She got bored, of course, and she wanted to write. Well, "Swamp Call" was done, so she obviously couldn't write that. She couldn't work on "The Time the Muppets Beat Time" without theprawncracker. She could have started on that trilogy, but she hadn't quite ironed out the details, and it was silly to work on multiple stories at once anyway. So TogetherAgain took out her notebook and started to write a cute little one-shot story. It ended up playing off of the theme of the convention a little, which made the ending more powerful than she'd planned it to be. Not that she was complaining. She entitled it, "A Gift," and she posted it as a late holiday present to the forum.

Finally, theprawncracker and TogetherAgain were both done with their other projects and ready to work on "The Time the Muppets Beat Time."

Their original idea was to write it on MSN Instant Messenger, with one window for writing the story and one window for discussing it. To do that, they had to trick MSN into having two windows open for essentially the same conversation. It ultimately didn't work out very well, because what one person typed in the "conversation window" would pop up in the other person's "story window" and vice versa, and they eventually figured out that it worked much better if they did it all in one window and just discussed the story in parentheses. But I'm getting ahead of myself. After much discussion, theprawncracker started the thread, and after much more discussion, TogetherAgain posted the first chapter.

Writing this way turned out to be a slow process, as it required both TogetherAgain and theprawncracker to have several hours to sit down and write, at the same time. They were both in school, and they both had lots of homework, so getting that time was difficult at best.

And then, just to complicate things, theprawncracker started having computer problems that made it next to impossible, at best, for him to get online. And he was moving. And by the time his family was settled, and his computer was functional, and he was back on the internet full-time... TogetherAgain was leaving the country. It was summer vacation by then, you see, and she was off on a big trip with her youth group to spend one week in Poland, touring various Holocaust-related places, and five weeks in Israel, touring as much of that country as was safely possible. (Did I mention yet that this youth group is an international organization? That might help clarify how this sort of trip, those conventions, and that camping trip were all offered annually, among other things...)

But I'm getting very far ahead of myself once again. You see, "The Time the Muppets Beat Time" ended up changing the very way that TogetherAgain defined herself.

Because they were both writing the same story, one reader- reportedly The Count, though sources are quite fuzzy on the matter- started to say that theprawncracker and TogetherAgain were half each other, and the idea stuck, to put it mildly. It helped that in conversations over MSN Instant Messenger, theprawncracker and TogetherAgain had a habit of saying the same thing at the same time. So TogetherAgain was half theprawncracker, and theprawncracker was half TogetherAgain. Naturally, they each began to refer to the other as their "other half." This eventually led to some confusion as to their marital status, so allow me to clarify that at this point the two have still never met face to face (or back to back, or side to side, for that matter).

Now, I mentioned that theprawncracker had some computer issues and then TogetherAgain left the country, so I'm hoping you figured out that there was a huge chunk of time in which it was impossible for any of "The Time the Muppets Beat Time" to be written. Please, do not be fooled into thinking that because of this, there was nothing going on...