Classic Sesame Clips on YouTube


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
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Okay, I just saw this and..... Honestly had the same reaction Gina had.

Cerf and Moss seriously perform well as a duo!

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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Okay, I just saw this and..... Honestly had the same reaction Gina had.

Cerf and Moss seriously perform well as a duo!
Although I know this was a dream Telly had, I feel it would have been more fitting for Little Jerry to have been one of the ones to invite her to the dance, since Gina was a big Little Jerry fan. And Jerry Nelson performed the Genie here, so it's not like he was unavailable to perform the character (unless they didn't expect him to perform the Genie or be there that day).

Probably a topic for a different thread, but I wonder if there's any kind of behind-the-scenes story for Chrissy and Big Jeffy suddenly appearing together so often in the late-1980s/early-1990s. They had Big Jeffy replace the lavendar member of Chrissy and the Alphabeats (and Jeff Moss had voiced the character in a few of his last appearances, so it's not like they were replacing the performer... I used to think Richard Hunt voiced that Alphabeat and thought that's why Jeffy replaced him, though I think I also mistakenly assumed Big Jeffy was Rockin' Richard, seems like a Hunt character), there was the episode where this Chrissy (as opposed to the one in the Monotones) was part of Little Jerry and the Monotones when the lead singer was sick, and Big Jeffy was the only regular member to be in that episode, as well as one or two more times when Elmo, Chrissy, and Big Jeffy were a trio, and there's this scene where the two appear together but seem to appear independently of each other (as opposed to being a duo or part of the same group).


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
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@minor muppetz Big Jeffy didn't really permanently replace the lavender Alphabeat. Jeffy appeared with the band in two season 21 episode street scenes, and then the next season (Cluck Around the Clock) it was back to normal, then after that, Jeffy was back (Gonna Rock You to Sleep). I was wondering if maybe they were just experimenting or if the lavender puppet got misplaced, found, and misplaced again.

As for Chrissy and Jeffy hanging together - I think it was by that point they just phased out "Rockin' Richard" (who I have always personally believed was the pumpkin one) and kept in "Chrissy" but used Little Chrissy as filler to avoid confusion (since the names in "Four" were from an album song and not necessarily cannon), making him a member of the Monotones in later appearances.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2015
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Speaking of Eight Balls of Fur, they were supposed to use the monster variant of Little Chrissy (which is basicly an adult version of himself) to match the song's subject with both the furballs and Chrissy having fur on their bodies since it parodies Jerry Lewis' song from 1957.

Blue Frackle

Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2015
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You mean Roosevelt Franklin had other inserts aside from Roosevelt Franklin Elementary School?
It's literally revelations like this that make me realize if SS released all content I wouldn't leave my house for a week.


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2017
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In honor of all three of the RF Stadium skits being found (if at least... What if there's more?), I put up this special compilation video of all three RF Stadium skits.