Respectful Politics Thread (Let's Just See)


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Aug 8, 2003
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Somebody riddle me this: how come Republican politicians get all the media advertisements they want (TV ads, signs, billboards, radio blurbs, etc.), but Democrats have to resort to the age-old annoyance of hiring people to go out and ring doorbells? Doorbell-ringing is not only an annoyance, but it's outdated and ineffective.

Old Thunder

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Aug 13, 2015
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I've seen so many Democratic ads. So many. HUGE number. Wouldn't believe.


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2002
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Somebody riddle me this: how come Republican politicians get all the media advertisements they want (TV ads, signs, billboards, radio blurbs, etc.), but Democrats have to resort to the age-old annoyance of hiring people to go out and ring doorbells? Doorbell-ringing is not only an annoyance, but it's outdated and ineffective.
Democrats could have all the ads they want as well if they are willing to spend the money. In my area I see far more ads for Democrats than Republicans. I'm sure it depends on how competitive each individual candidate is in their market area. Not really a mystery at all.


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2017
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Somebody riddle me this: how come Republican politicians get all the media advertisements they want (TV ads, signs, billboards, radio blurbs, etc.), but Democrats have to resort to the age-old annoyance of hiring people to go out and ring doorbells?
Maybe it's because you live in Tennessee, which I believe is a largely Republican/conservative state? I dunno.

I see both Democrat and Republican ads where I live. Like MuppetsRule said, I guess it just depends on the state or area you live in.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
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Tennessee is a very conservative state, yes. I would know, for I have family living down there.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
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Anyway, to all you extreme left libs who see the left being more mature than the right (again, I'm tagging you in this @D'Snowth so please pay attention), here is another good example of an immature extreme left liberal.

As I posted in the rant thread, I recently cut ties with another college friend because she and her boyfriend Teddy are just two immature kids.

Which brings me to the point.

You know, I recall a post she shared about Trump and a Trump supporter said he was doing a better job than Obama (as if), but here's the catch.

Teddy replied saying he was supporting a traitor and he should be ashamed.

Oh, I'm sorry. Isn't the left supposed to be more mature and accepting of other people? Cause that sure as **** doesn't sound like it.

Not only that, but his girlfriend Lizzy is just another good example - hiding from critism. Isn't that something a liberal isn't supposed to do?

Yeah, I thought so.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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I'm not denying the left can be immature when it comes to Trump supporters: even I think that rear windshield decal saying "**** TRUMP AND **** YOU FOR VOTING FOR HIM" is going way too far; not everyone who voted for Trump did so because they're under the delusion he's somehow the second coming of Jesus selected by God Himself . . . a big majority of them did, yes, but not everyone. Some voted for him because they were convinced by his lies that he'd, "drain the swamp," and rid Washington of the political games between the two parties; some even voted for him simply because it was a vote against Hillary. The latter of which I can attest to, because a big portion of the left voted for Hillary just because it was a vote against Trump - that's why this election will go down in history as the election between the lesser of two evils. But I will say this: when it comes to those said delusion Trump supporters? What they say is true: you just can't reason with these people; this meme kind of sums it up:

But I think I brought it up in one of the previous political threads, that some liberals are lowering themselves to conservative levels with the pettiness and immaturity, such as those who brag about how they unfriend and block every friend they once knew who supported Trump, because they're like, "I don't need dem toxic peepulz in my life no moar!!!" I mean, I personally, the only time I've ever unfriended or blocked toxic people in my life is when they actually were toxic, and politics had nothing to do with it.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
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At least you took consideration into that.

Like, I've literally unfollowed half of my liberal friends who have that mentallity. I even once saw a post saying you're privileged if you don't care about politics.

Oh, I'm sorry that I don't enjoy talking about stuff that just makes my blood pressure go up and gives me a headache.

This is why Muppetcentral is the only mature place I can talk about this stuff.