Your Thoughts: Sesame Street Season 34


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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OMG, Frank was performing Bert in the new ancing segment!! And Cookie in Letter of Day (for the first part, then he played Grover)!! I really like the new season so far. I missed the first 15 minutes, so I only caught the very end of the Karaoke segment. "Global Thingy" has to go. Very weird and annoying. Other than that, the show looks nice. :cool:


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Originally posted by dcfboss

i also was wondering why Cookie Monster wasn't shown on the street, i mean he is a staple character. but i guess we'll have to wait till wednesday for his episode lol.
Right you are...
Wed's episode:
Sesame Street
60 min.
Cookie Monster is being blamed for eating cookies he didn't consume. No one believes that Cookie when he says he's not the culprit, so it's up to Cookie Hood to clear Cookie's name. (VCR Plus+ 72847)


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2002
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Highlights of the show for me included:

Seeing Gordon, Susan, Bob, Maria, Luis, Gina, Miles and Gabi all together. Alan? Muh. Anyone know if that's the same actor for Miles? I tried to catch it in the closing credits, but it zoomed right on by. And Gabi's becoming quite the little hottie--much like her mother before her. How very...Jedi of her.

Gladys the Cow's return. AWESOME.

The Ladybug Picnic !!!

The Two-Headed Monster showing up...twice!

No more box on "Journey to Ernie." ...I like this version better--it seemed to go faster, and hopefully it won't become as repetitive as last seasons JTE.

A Bert and Ernie segment! Instead of the tango moment, my favorite part was just Bert reading "The Pigeon Whisperer." .... "coo."

If Global Grover hadn't had the elephant, I would have liked it more. I liked that Grover drew the boy and got to say "isn't he CUTE?" And then SuperGrover made a great appearance in Cookie Monster's sketch. I like the two of them together. And having SG's Old School music was a nice touch. EVEN though it was from last season, I still liked it. Good to see my favorite monsters hanging out.

Cookie's Conscience was nice too: "COOKIE MONSTER..."

That's it. All in all I enjoyed it a lot more than what the Street was doing say, five years ago. I think the last two seasons are definitely going in the right direction for my tastes.


:stick_out_tongue: :frown:


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Great start to the new season! The whole thing felt a bit flashier to me, but I can't really pin point why-- have to watch some more episodes.

It was great to see so much of the human cast all at once. Budget constraints has made that a rarity in recent years. Karaoke was a lot of fun (which is saying a lot because I am not a fan of karaoke). To the list of problems that were solved during that bit add Rosita messing up and being encouraged to keep going and not worry about it. Nothing preachy or condesending about how the various problems were dealt with. I have to agree, Bob and company singing I Don't Want to Live on the Moon was a definite high point.

Wayne Brady's song was very well done. Nice to see so many different Muppets worked into a celebrity bit. Hopefully the other new celebrity skits will be on par with this one.

Global Grover has a lot of potential and it is wonderful to have Grover in a featured segment-- this was over due. It will be interesting to see how much appeal this segment has with kids.

Gladys was my favorite part of the show-- great to see her again and hopefully there will be more of Gladys to come.

Looks like Season 34 is off to a strong start.....

But mostly, I'm just glad to have a break from the Season 33 reruns! :wink:


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2002
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Amen to that!

You aren't the only one! My two-and-change year old son said "time for NEW Sesame Street?" every hour since Friday! Repetition is a good thing at that age - but all things in moderation!



Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2002
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I have to say that it's much better than last season. All those old songs, and they even brought back Gladys. Not only that, but it was just like when she was on years ago, when she would try to do something, but they didn't have time for her. And they didn't do a bad job at all of using old clips. That African School film as part of Global Grover is from Season 21, and we will be seeing more of those. It's more like the old format than it was last season.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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seeing the new season was cool

:excited: I thought it was cool seeing old friends again. Yes Gladys it was cool seeing her again. I can't wait to see other episodes. And reading some of the forums I didn't know that Frank Oz did Bert, Grover and Cookie Monster. I was amazes to see his name in the credits but didn't know he was doing his charatcers again. I thought he was being paid for being apart of the company. So I was glad to see all their faces again. Loved the JTE seagment. I thought he was alot better to see it with a different way of putting it. So I loved it a lot better.


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2002
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I got super excited when I saw this was a new episode. I am a stay at home Dad and watch Sesame Street with My 15 month old. (He loves the show, claps and dances. It's great)

My first day at home with my son was 4/3/02 so for at least one year it has been repeated. Now I agree repetition (spelling?) is great for my son but over one year of it was a bit much.

Loved seeing everyone together in the beginning and that it was at night, nice touch. Loved Bert and Ernie segment, JTE was great. The only thing I liked about the old JTE was that every now and then you would get two or three "older" segment, which was always nice to see but this is a huge improvement.

I went nuts with excitement when Big Bird sang Abcdefg...that was my favorite as a child.

I have three PBS stations on my cable and the potential to watch Sesame Street six times a day. So after this morning I taped it since it was such a great episode. Can't wait for tomorrow!
:frown: :stick_out_tongue: :grouchy:


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2002
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frank oz

what's this about Frank? Was he really doing his characters again? It sounded like they were David rudman and Eric jacobsen...but if he's doing his characters again that's great! either way it's great because eric and david are doing a really good job with grover, bert and cookie as well.

Gladys is awesome!!!

Sadly enough...I'm pretty sure that Elmo's world was longer than usual though...

I loved this episode! looks like a promising new season!!!



Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Frank taped some skits for Season 34. He didn't do all the the new stuff for his characters, but he did some. I don't know if he was in the studio for a day or two or a week or what-- maybe someone else will fill in that information or we'll get to play guessing games all season trying to figure out when it is Frank and when it isn't. :smile: