Respectful Politics Thread (Let's Just See)


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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You got a link to the Mexico story? Cause everything i read is she requested it but no ruling on it has been made.

Thats why I ask for your sources.
USA Today wrongly reported that she had been granted permission and then News Week reported on the backlash to the report and repeated the claim. USA Today posted a correction, News Week has not.

Journalism at it's finest folks.

The story is already out there and people are already outraged. The damage is done. At this point, the might as well grant the request.


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2002
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USA Today wrongly reported that she had been granted permission and then News Week reported on the backlash to the report and repeated the claim. USA Today posted a correction, News Week has not.

Journalism at it's finest folks.

The story is already out there and people are already outraged. The damage is done. At this point, the might as well grant the request.
So the news, in a rush to get out an inflammatory story, didn't check it's facts? Shocker

And then simpletons, the minute it hits the news, cries "White supremacy, white privilege." Another shocker.

At least some of the news services provided a correction. Other irresponsible news services have not. Another shocker.

And the fact that this rioter requested to be able to go to Mexico in the first place isn't white supremacy or white privilege. It's called STUPIDITY!
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Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2002
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So Whitehouse Press Secretary Jen Psaki is being slammed for using a homophobic slur in a tweet from August in which she referred to Lindsey Graham as #LadyG. Graham has long been rumored to be gay on social media.

Whatever happened to the Biden administration's promise to be the most inclusive administration in history? President Biden had a strong statement about firing staff on the spot if they show disrespect to colleagues. I think this falls under that umbrella. Does it not?


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
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Like I said. Long as he’s democratic, he gets a free pass for everything.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2004
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So would Bill Gates have White Privilege?
Would I?
The closest thing I could approximate to White Privilege is being able to buy flesh colored band aids.
Big whoop.


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2016
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So would Bill Gates have White Privilege?
Would I?
The closest thing I could approximate to White Privilege is being able to buy flesh colored band aids.
Big whoop.
White privilege isn't about what you have experienced it's about what you haven't. Never been turned down for a job because your name sounds too "urban"? Never been followed around a store because they see you and assume your a criminal?
Was there never a time in your life where someone with your skin color had never been president before? Never been turned down for a loan where someone else in the same situation wouldn't have been? Never had your ancestors stolen from their homes to be slaves? Never been unfairly targeted by your schools, law enforcement, bosses or politicians? Any of this solely because of the color of your skin? Then you have white privilege.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
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Since I know this is often misconducted on the forum, one thing about white skin privilege is it doesn’t mean you should be ashamed for being Caucasian. Frankly even I hate the fact that it exists in the first place and I have to live with the label. It just means you may not have experienced certain issues poc have faced.

Frankly I just wish we could go back to Morgan Freeman’s quote: “How to end racism. Stop talking about it” and just treat everyone like equals.... but no.... people will still continue racism and the unecesarry double-standards that come along with it. 🤷🏿‍♂️

With that said, whenever it’s brought up, I wish people would also learn to not use it as an excuse to bring down the Caucasian race, and that’s something the extreme lefties are often guilty of doing.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2004
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Let me debunk white privilege for you right here and now.
Every job I ever held I kept because I could do the job, not because of the color of my skin. I worked in a kitchen for ten years with fifteen other Black, Hispanic, and Filipino people. My white skin didn’t earn me my job. My ability to cook earned me my job.
My boss didn’t care about my skin color. To work in the kitchen you had to know what you were doing, and the same standard was held to everybody. You keep your job based on your merit. It doesn’t get any fairer than that.