eFX Collectibles to produce Muppet Replicas

What Muppet Replica do you want the most?

  • Rizzo the Rat

    Votes: 44 13.9%
  • Miss Piggy

    Votes: 79 25.0%
  • Pepe the King Prawn

    Votes: 42 13.3%
  • Fozzie Bear

    Votes: 151 47.8%

  • Total voters

Was Once Ernie

Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2005
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Um...I meant exactly who is making the prototype. How involved is Puppet Heap in the construction. How far does their expertise extend? If you don't know the actual answer beyond "some puppet builders they pick" or something to that extent then please allow someone that does to respond. Thanks. :halo:

I know how these get made. I've been part of that sort of process before. This question was more for WOE because it seems he might be working with them or knows who exactly is the chief designer(s).
I'm sorry, I know some of these cryptic messages might seem more frustrating than helpful, but just as we had to wait to announce which company it was and what characters they were going to produce, we must also wait for the right time to get other answers as well. There is still more than a month until Comic-Con and by that time, maybe some more of the information will be available.

Thanks for being patient!



Inactive Member
Apr 13, 2002
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I'm sorry, I know some of these cryptic messages might seem more frustrating than helpful, but just as we had to wait to announce which company it was and what characters they were going to produce, we must also wait for the right time to get other answers as well. There is still more than a month until Comic-Con and by that time, maybe some more of the information will be available.

Thanks for being patient!

Thanks. I getchya! It's just nice to know that these aren't going to be designed by whatever artisan on whose desk the project falls. They have someone in mind. I hope it's a someone that will shepherd the project from beginning to completion rather than hurl a wonderful prototype out into the ether where things can go wrong as happened before. I wonder if it will be different for each character like it was for the Muppet busts? I'll be patient. Just tell us when we can stop being patient. :big_grin:

Thanks for the Mupdate. :smile:


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2003
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eFx and all just have to remember.. we've been patient little muppet fans for a really long time (some of us longer then others.. heh..) and there was a very long time when we were seeing no action at all on any line other then SS ..
now that things are picking up, a lot of us just want more, more MORE! and sometimes when we're really excited, it's hard to be patient and we've got to let some of that excitement out a bit before we can settle back down and be patient again.. :smile: we're curious and we want to know stuff.. and we revert a bit back to our inner 5 year old once in while when it comes to these things.. hehhee


Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2005
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Here is my Rizzo...

I cant wait to get an official Rizzo.I wish they would put in a moving ventrilioquist style mouth mech, but I guess then he might be croaching on a performing puppet?
My Rizzo is made from a felt type material.I guess if they are finding it hard to find Rizzo fur, then they will probably have to go for low pile white fur and dye and style it.


Jun 9, 2009
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Hi All!

First, thanks for all of the enthusiasm in regards to the "reboot" of the Muppet Posers!

I do not know how many of you are registered for our newsletter, but we gave some details of the cooperation of Disney and Puppet Heap in the project.

Puppet Heap is supplying to us all of the patterns, sample fabrics, reference photos, etc to ensure that we make our prototypes correctly. We feel it is very important to get this information from them, since it is the small details that capture the unique personalities of the characters.

Puppet Heap is NOT making the prototypes for us. We are using a resource that will ensure that we can manufacture these in a production environment, which most of you know is very different than making one at a time.

We ran into a little delay in launching our new website, but we are hoping that it will be launched in the next few weeks. We will be posting development pictures on the website when we have something to share.

Thanks once again, and also thanks for understanding that this is a long and sometimes difficult process in order to ensure that it is engineered properly to deliver a great quality product!



New Member
Jun 14, 2009
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Hi there,

Great news that the line will continue. In response to the "wish lists", mine would have to be:

1. Fozzie
2. Piggy
3. Rowlf
4. Floyd
5. Janice
6. Zoot
7. Teeth
8. Scooter
9. Swedish Chef
10. Sam

Don't have my hopes up for a Sweetums...

Nothing against the hilarious Pepe, but I do prefer the classic Muppets...



Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2005
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A bit more info for you...the edition sizes will probably not be more than 1000 pieces per character.The prices are still being worked out, and the clothes probably wont be removeable.


Inactive Member
Apr 13, 2002
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A bit more info for you...the edition sizes will probably not be more than 1000 pieces per character.The prices are still being worked out, and the clothes probably wont be removeable.
Oooh. Now that's the info I'm used to hearing from you. Thanks. :super:

I was initially surprised that the MR clothes were removable. Not my first choice to sew them on, but it's easier to QC this way.

I just hope these won't be more expensive than MR. I remember thinking Kermit was expensive originally. Then came the other two. It would be nice to find quality and a good price point, but that could be asking for the sky.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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This is what I love about this site. We seem to really get people on the inside intersted in our conversations and they join us and give us some wonderful info.


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2006
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Hi there,

Great news that the line will continue. In response to the "wish lists", mine would have to be:

1. Fozzie
2. Piggy
3. Rowlf
4. Floyd
5. Janice
6. Zoot
7. Teeth
8. Scooter
9. Swedish Chef
10. Sam

Don't have my hopes up for a Sweetums...

Nothing against the hilarious Pepe, but I do prefer the classic Muppets...

That would be the ideal line up but I would bump Scooter after Piggy and Fozzie if it were my list.