If you were having a Muppet dinner party...


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2002
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We've yet to see a Denny's commercial with Animal, and I'm sure just after the first commercial cut off Piggy decided to scream "WHAT?! This has Sausage in it!?"
I think of that every time I hear the commercial on the radio. I was surprised that Miss Piggy didn't say anything in response to bacon or sausage. I should have figured something would have got cut out. Now, let's see who would I invite.... Probably Miss Piggy, because I really like her, and also Janice so we'd have another female at the table. I'd definately want to invite Kermit and the Electric Mayhem, so we'd have some dinner music. Maybe not Animal though, because I'm still scared of him. Lol. I'd like to invite Rowlf the Dog. I'll try to think of more.

The Great Gonzo

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Aug 14, 2002
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This is a fun thread!
1. Gonzo. No dinner party could be complete without someone to make you laugh!
2. Rizzo. He'd play off Gonzo and make him even funnier.
3. Fozzie. Would be upsetting for him if Gonzo got more laughs, but would love to have such a sweet bear at my table.
4. Scooter. If I forgot something at the grocery store, I'd need a gopher!
5. Red. She'd get everyone playing games after dinner and would keep the party going.
6. Pepe. I think he'd be fun, okay?
7. Sam the Eagle. To get a little political discussion going.
8. Kermit, the glue that holds it all together.

No Piggy--I'm the diva at this dinner!


Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2002
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Hmmm... I would invite

1. Kermit - he's the great one after all!
2. Piggy - just seeing her and Kermit interact would make me laugh and amuse me. Plus she's adorable ( I might have to flirt with her a little)
3. Rowlf - My fav muppet! He could play some music
4. Beaker - I'd give him a much needed rest from the torture of Bunsen's antics.
5. Fozzie - I think he's funny!
6. Sweetums - although I don't know how much he would eat!
7. Doglion Beast - just because I think he's cool looking!

Worried to big monsters at my party- would I have enough food!

Gonzo and his buddy Rizzo and Sam the Eagle would top of my guest list! I love all of these guys!

baby sinclair

Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2002
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I would invite more than eight characters .
[/list] 1.kermit(With out him there would be no muppets)
[/list] 2. Baby sinclair(cutest little Megalasaur around).
[/list] 3.Junior Gorg(need a big eater)
[/list] 4.Red(make junior mad)
[/list] 5.Piggy(love her french)
[/list] 6. Animal(let him cut loose)
  • 7.janice(need a dizzy brawed)
8.Sweetums(so he can scare my sister)LOL!
[/list] 9. Bean(little sister loves him).


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Ok. Here is my list. (compiled with the, um, help of my big (and anoying) sister.

1. Beauregard (To tidy up afterwards)
2. Pepe (My sisters faverite)
3. Sweetums (Because)
4. Rizzo (To argue with Pepe)
5. Miss Piggy (or Mrs the Frog)
6. Gonzo (He can give us some entertanment with the Birthday cake and a bottle of shampoo)
7. Dr Teeth (cause he is so coool)
8. The Count (because I can't remember how many people I've invited.)



Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2003
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I'd invite:
1. Animal. He's so cute. I'm going to keep him in a cage in my room. I promise I'll feed him! Uh... ignore that.
2. Dr. Teeth. Featheeeeeeeer. *Swoon*
3. Floyd. Mustaaaaaaaaache. *Swoon*
4. Janice. Yeah, she's hot too.
5. Zoot. He's just cool, okay? And hot. I dunno.
6. Lips. I repeat...
7. Gonzo. Um, because he's weird.
8. Pepe. His voice is hot.

So basically I'm inviting eye candy and ear candy.
Oh, well. *Goes off to download pics of The Electric Mayhem*


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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Since I don't HAVE a significant other, does that mean I can include another Mupppet???
1.Rowlf-In case it isn't REALLY obvious by now, I LOVE Rowlf!!! I'd love to talk to him!!! (AND sing with him!!!)
2.Beauregard-I LOOOVE him!!!
3.Cantus-It'd be pretty interesting to talk to him!!!
4.Snuffy-Just cuz I love his laugh!!!
5.Red-She'd be my best friend if I knew her!!
6.Dr. Teeth-Just because of his awesomeness!!! (Plus, I wanna see how he & Cantus'd get along!!!)
7.Robin-My 2nd favorite character!!! How could I NOT have him???
8.Gobo-I don't want Red to feel out of place, even though she'd be the only girl besides me!!! (And PLUS, I'd probably fall in love w/him if he weren't a Fraggle!!!)
If I COULD have a 9th dinner guest-Sir Didymus (from Labyrinth) He is still the FUNNIEST character to me!!!
....This was HARD, Quinn!!! Instead of a DINNER party, I'd probably just have a great big party, and in THAT case, the more, the merrier!!! :big_grin: But, given the rules, these were all I could fit!!!

The Flying Sheep

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2002
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My Girlfriend and both shara a passion for the Muppets.

Rowlf: I love him so much! (Not in a romatic Sence) I just want to hug him! Besides, maybe some after-dinner entertainment

Wembly: My Favorite Fraggle. I just love him.

Fozzie: I need some genuine sweetness at the Talbe

Gonzo: Just Cause. And i love his sence of Humor

The Storyteller's Dog: He rocks, Okay?!

The Swedish Chef: We'd talk in Mock Swedish

Flyod Pepper: My Favorite guy to Groove with.

Janice: Becuase I have a chrush on Her, and she's Tracy's (my GF) idol.


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2003
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This one is really fun to think about. Here is my list.

1) Kermit- Its not a party with out the frog.
2) Grover- I looove Grover!
3) Rizzo- to give the party some edge and to clean up leftovers afterwords
4) The penguins- whats a party without flying penguins.
5) The Electric Mayhem- I know that counts as 4 but you have to have a band.
6) The swedish chef- I think I might start to understand him after a few drinks . But he is definetly not cooking!!
7)One of the Mystics. I don't know their names individualy. I bet they could do cool magic tricks.
8)The Bear from The Big blue house-He can really shake his groove thing.
9) Ernie- Always up for a good time
10)Rowlf-intelligent coversation and able to step up to the piano if the mayhem get out of control.


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2003
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I wouldn't invite Cookie Monster, fer sure!