World of Warcraft causes a divorce


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2005
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Oh that's very true about learning about new things from a partner in a relationship and learning things from each other, too! You both might find out new things about each other that you both very well could end up having in common with each other.

I very much agree that some people are just not meant to be by nature. But yeah, sometimes people do use things to escape from a real problem that may be going on.


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2007
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Wow, now that you put it that way, Heralde...
You are most certainly right.

-Hands Heralde some marshmellies-


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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That's true, but still it does'nt hurt if they are basicly your best friend and are geeky about the same things :smile:. As for being a good listener and being trustworthy most of the time I've found that has a lot to do with the basic character of a person even before they are dating.
Yeah, I don't mind to harp about this, it's just that I have dealt with this myself and learned the hard way that it's a lot more than sharing interests. I do think it is best if your lover is your best friend and you enjoy being together and having fun, definitely. But you do need time to get to know a person and see if they're good at listening etc before you commit. Sometimes people can change each other when they get married, but you definitely shouldn't count on it. If you really respect each other and listen, then it will happen naturally and over time. But you can't assume you can change a person. It's really whether you can deal with each other's quirks and make it work despite them. And if you can't (and that's fine), it's best to find out sooner rather than later.


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2006
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Well not to get too personal since I don't know those people, but he may have just been using the game to escape from a larger problem. Maybe the relationship wasn't working, or maybe he was just really stressed out in general from life.
That is very probably true, but at times like that, I think communication is especially essential. If you want the relationship to work, I think you need to talk to your lover and try to work out whatever problems there may be. Take the time to try. Communication is a big key. :smile:

But if maybe he didn't want to work on the relationship, that makes sense.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2005
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I defiantly agree about being able to change each other for better or foe worse. But I also do believe that sometimes the reason a relationship doesn't work is because of a lack of things in common.


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2008
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I am the child of divorced parents, trust me I have deep ideas on the matter. I wish people would not think of it as the quick fix they seem to think it is just because all the stars are doing it :stick_out_tongue:. It's not, it's very messy, and working things out, like something that pushes your husband to a fantasy world, is nearly always better:smile:.
Divorce I think, is for even more serious reasons, but then, everyone has their own ideas about a make or brake issue :smile:.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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Yeah I mean, if you never enjoying doing the same things and never have fun hanging out together, than it probably won't work.

If life or a relationship is getting you down, the best thing is to try and communicate, and not just withdraw. Even if the relationship still doesn't work, at least you tried, and avoided hurting your partner's feelings.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2005
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That is very probably true, but at times like that, I think communication is especially essential. If you want the relationship to work, I think you need to talk to your lover and try to work out whatever problems there may be. Take the time to try. Communication is a big key. :smile:

But if maybe he didn't want to work on the relationship, that makes sense.
I wholeheartedly agree with you on this, sweetie. See, I'm can be just stubborn like you can get sometimes, where I'm just not willing to give up and to work everything out and help things to work better. And I think communication is very big think in a relationship. I also think being able to understand each other and where the other is coming from and also being able to read each other are very key in a relationship, too. It all comes down to how well you really know each other. you know. Sometimes you can just read and understand your partner so well that you don;t really have to say anything. Communication is not always talk either. I also think that understanding is so pivotal in a relationship, too.

Definitely would have to agree about to "quick fix". If you look at the celebrities, the fix never last for long as many of then are lost souls hopping from one person to the next.:stick_out_tongue:


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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hey is the fight over? if not hand me a soda and where can i sit?


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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I understand that sometimes things don't work out and couples need to divorce. But I think divorce is a sad horrible thing, especially for children. I see on shows like Dr. Phil (heh) over and over again couples who were best friends, but then got married and changed over time and further developed as people, and found they couldn't live with each other. And by now they have three children. That's why we need to be so careful before we marry someone.